Thursday, July 2, 2009

Submachine Gun - MP5

The MP5(short for Maschinenpistole 5 or "machine pistol model 5") is a 9mm sunmachine gun of German design, developed in the 1960s by a team of engineers from theWest German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH( H&K) of Oberndorf am Neckar.
It is currently used by the armed forces and law enforcement units of over 40 countries. The MP5 remains one of the most widely deployed of all current submachine guns and has been developed into a family with numerous variants.
In the 1990s, Heckler & Koch developed the Heckler & Koch UMP, the MP5's successor though both remain in production.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Grenade - RGD-5

The RGD-5 hand grenade is a post World War II Soviet anti-personnel fragmentation grenade. The design dates from the late 1950s. It is still in service in many of Russia's former clitent states. Additionally, this grenade has been supplied to various foreign countries, for example Iraq and other Arab nations. It contains a 110 gram change of TNT. The total weight of the grenade with the fuze itted is approximately 310 grams. Typically, the RGD-5 uses the 3.2 to 4 second UZRGM fuze. The UZRGM fuze is a universal Russian type which is also used in the RG-41, RG-42 and F1 grenade. The RGD-5 is sometimes fitted with the more modern DVM-78 fuze, or variants of the UZRGM fuze with delays of between zero (i.e. instantaneous) and 13 seconds, for use in booby traps. When an RGD-5 grenade is thrown, it is possible to hear a loud "pop" as the fuze ignites and begins to burn.